Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Practice Post

This sentence is bold. This sentence is italic. This sentence is now underlined.

This is a new paragraph. I have lived in Pensacola, Florida my whole life. My major interests are reading and poetry. I've always wanted to attend USA ever since my junior year when the band instructor came to my high school and talked about USA's band program. Ironically, I am no longer in band. I have three older brothers and one older sister. Yes, it's true being the baby of the family is lots of fun. My family is very religious. When in need my family will try our best to help anybody to the best of our abilities.

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to become a teacher. I always wanted a career where I can help others and be with kids. I help my sister raise one of our nieces since she was three months old and she's now three years old. I have many learning moments with her and when she learns something new her face just lights up. I enjoy seeing that look on her face because it makes me feel as if I am making a difference in her life already by teaching her the things I can or reinforcing what somebody else may have taught her as well. I also like flowers especially things with flower print. href="http://">

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